Sunday, March 22, 2009

Racing up Big Red, the sand flows like cold snow.
Big Red sand dune one of more 300 sand dunes run in a North south direction pushed up by westerly winds.
Addie Janssen, Clare McEwen and Ray Garner in VH- JCUC-182RG Taken leaving Lake Eyre.

Cockpit view of lake Eyre courtesy Reg & Janice in VH-TWB. This year rains have come so there is water in Lake Eyre.

Landing at William Creek population of 2.


  1. Is racing up red sand like racing up aggregate piles Reg?

  2. Hi Hollywood,

    I found your posting very interesting.

    Reg and Janice were kind enough not to post the photo showing Reg "inching" me out at the top-of-the-dune finish line in this, the first annual Big Red Sand Dune Uphill Race. Thanks to your posting I can see that he had the benefit of a significant "experience advantage" having often climbed aggregate (and sand?) hills.

